Directed by : Thierry Ragobert

Le Grand Prix au Festival de l’Oiseau et de la Nature 2022 (Abeville) & le Prix Paysages au 38e Festival international du film ornithologique (Fifo) 2022 (Menigoute)

Of the approximately 600 species of land birds that nest in Europe, almost half migrate each year in spring and fall. Migratory birds fly thousands of kilometers to reach their final destination in Africa or the Middle East, the most favorable regions for breeding and finding food.

While crossing Europe, they have to endure the drying up of wetlands, pollution, urbanization, intensive agriculture and climate change. A new kind of community solidarity is being formed: lovers of migratory birds are flocking, in wait for their return. Driven by the same passion, they pass the torch from country to country to watch over them. What if the birds above and beyond our borders end up being the reason we try to save our planet?
Discover a new type of relationship between humans and wild animals in this spectacular wildlife film.

fiche technique

Author : Thierry Piantanida & Thierry Ragobert

Photography : Philippe Moreau

Sound : Olivier Nijs, Patrica Raynal, Miguel Cabral & Juan Carmona

Editing : Cédric Harrang & Thierry Ragobert

Mixage : Christophe Moreno

Original soundtrack : Laetitia Pansenel-Garric

Producer : Les Films d'Ici - Laura Briand

Broadcaster : Arte GEIE

Manager of production : Yoann Dhenin

Length : 43'-52'

Available version : Français & Anglais

ISAN : 0000-0005-B76B-0000-4-0000-0000-P


Distributor : Arte Distribution

From the same Director


In the same Collection


The same year
