EAU ARGENTEE, Syrie autoportrait

Directed by : Ossama Mohammed & Wiam Simav Bedirxan

en Sélection Officielle Cannes 2014 – Séances Spéciales / Etoile de la Scam 2015

In Syria, everyday, YouTubers film then die; others kill then film. In Paris, driven by my inexhaustible love for Syria, I find that I can only film the sky and edit the footage posted. From within the tension between my estrangement in France and the revolution, an encounter happened. A young Kurdish woman from Homs began to chat with me, asking: ‘If your camera were here, in Homs, what would you be filming?”. Silvered Water is the story of that encounter.

fiche technique

Author : Ossama Mohammed & Wiam Simav Bedirxan

Photography : Wiam Simav Bedirxan

Sound : Raphaël Girardot

Manager of production : Camille Laemlé & Martin Berthier

Editing : Maïsoun Assad

Original soundtrack : Noma Omran

Mixage : Jean-Marc Schick

Executive producer : Les Films d'Ici (Serge Lalou & Camille Laemlé) & PROACTION FILM (Orwa Nyrabia & Diana El Jeiroudi) en association avec Arte France- La Lucarne - Chargé de programme Luciano Rigolini

Partners : CNC

Langue : Arabe

Available version : VOSTVF - VOSTA

Length : 90'

Format : HD

ISAN : 0000-0003-9D3C-0000-H-0000-0000-N


International sales : Doc&Films

Distributeur : Météore Films

From the same Director


In the same Collection


The same year
