
Directed by : Jules-César Muracciole

The Rheims' stadium team, was not France's best team, but it was undoubtedly "France's" team... From the director's point of view, who was 10 years old in 1958, the Rheims' stadium team, is the best team in the world. The team of his "red and white" childhood, like the stadium's colours. 40 years later, the director mixes his personal memories (family, places and holy objects) with those of his childhood heroes: Kopa, Fontaine, Piantoni and Colonna.

fiche technique

Author : Jules-César Muracciole

Photography : M. Bazille - J.C. Muracciole - M. Seferchian

Sound : Jean-Jacques Faure

Editing : Rémi Hiernaux

Original soundtrack : Matthias Muracciole

Producer : Les Films d'Ici/Serge Lalou

Partners : CNC

Available version : VF

Broadcaster : France 3 LCA

Length : 52'

Format : Vidéo

ISAN : 000000019EEA0000E00000000W


Video publisher : Editions Montparnasse

From the same Director


In the same Collection


The same year
