Directed by : Jean-Christian Riff

David just went out of prison where he spent 2 years, Lisa was « dying with her dog », Rodolphe avoided death « thanks to drugs », Océane realises that she is as addicted to mens’ glances as to heroine : those 4 young drug addicts are trying to get through their addiction in a peculiar site : a postcure center in the center of Drôme, composed of a farm, and fields. Without comments, nor interviews, this film aims at following their difficult return to life and at installing a documentary tension, that reflects their inner conflicts.

fiche technique

Author : Jean-Christian Riff

Photography : Jean-Christian Riff

Sound : Jean-Christian Riff

Editing : Sébastien Garcia

Mixage : Kenji Firch

Producer : Les Films d’Ici - Richard Copans / LYON TV - Olivier Attebi

Broadcaster : Lyon TV

Manager of production : Aurélie Bardet

Partners : avec la participation du Centre National du Cinéma et de l’image animée / Avec le soutien de l’association « Les amis du Gué » / En association avec Véo Production - Jean-Luc Cesco

Length : 86'

Format : Vidéo - Beta Num 4/3

Available version : VF

From the same Director


In the same Collection


The same year
