Directed by : Richard Copans

What should we do with our dead? Incinerate them? Bury them? Make them disappear? Keep them nearby and visit them?
We are 70km from Barcelona, behind Montserrat. Here as in the rest of Spain, the dead are not buried, they are piled into niches, superimposed tombs. The new Igualada cemetery was to be the work of a couple of Catalan architects at the start of their careers, Enric Miralles and Carme Pinos. A surprising project  because it merges into the countryside. The land has been dug out and fitted with strange alignments of oblique concrete walls, covered with earth and planted. Is it a building? Or rather a thoroughfare? A place that is the richer for being unfinished? A strong memorial across the architecture of the 20th century and landscape, between Le Corbusier and Richard Long.

fiche technique

Author : Richard Copans

Photography : Richard Copans

Sound : Elena Coderch

Editing : Nicolas Milteau

Producer : Les Films d'Ici - Richard Copans

Broadcaster : Arte

Manager of production : Clémentine Noël

Partners : Arte France & CNC

Length : 26'

Format : Vidéo

Available version : VF


International sales : Arte Distribution

Video publisher : Arte Vidéo

Distributeur : Arte Distribution

From the same Director


In the same Collection


The same year
