Récit d'une rencontre interrompue

Directed by : Léonardo Di Costanzo

Premier prix au Festival International Film Makers de Milan 2011

Everything begins with the desire of a film…a film upon Neopolitan children. While preparing the shooting in 2000, I decided to follow Antonio, 12 year-old, who lived in the « Spanish district », in the inner city of Naples. He agreed to be followed….and then didn’t come back anymore to our appointments…this film project failed. 10 years later, Antonio calls me to tell me that he will get married and he invites me to follow him for this event.

fiche technique

Author : Léonardo Di Costanzo

Photography : Léonardo Di Costanzo

Sound : Daniela Bassani et Stefano Grosso

Editing : Carlotta Cristiani et Bruno Oliviero Oliviero

Producer : Les Films d’Ici - Richard Copans / tempesta - Carlo Cresto-Dina / Vosges Télévision Images Plus - Dominique Renauld

Manager of production : Aurélie Bardet et Françoise Buraux

Partners : Centre National du Cinéma et de l’image animée PROCIREP - Société des Producteurs et de l’ANGOA la Regione Campania

Length : 55'

Format : Vidéo

ISAN : 0000 0002 862E 0000 6 0000 0000 J

From the same Director


In the same Collection


The same year
