Directed by : Martin Brossolet

An ambitious project covering 800 years of the complex relationships between a monument in constant mutation, the successive powers ruling its destiny and the artists and craftsmen who lived and worked there throughout the centuries. A visit through the times and parts of the Louvre Palace, following a narrator who introduces each period, quotes facts and anecdotes as he guides us through the famous museum's most unexpected parts. Suddenly, as he speaks, a historical scene, an "intimate epic" of sorts unfolds, recreated before our very eyes: an episode of the life and times of a creator in the Louvre. Unveil the grand or petty aspects of these famous or unknown "tenants", from Molière to Braque, Palissy to Fragonard. Filled with informative insight, an unexpected look on an unknown aspect of one of the most famous adresses of the artistic world.

fiche technique

Author : Martin Brossolet

Producer : Les Films d'Ici/Serge Lalou

Partners : Musée du Louvre

Format : Vidéo

ISAN : 1000000000000

From the same Director


In the same Collection


The same year
