Directed by : Marie Dumora

James and Jim, Anthony and the others are about to pass their CAP (Certificat of Professional Aptitude).  They are 17 years old and living in Alsace. They live with other boys in the Mertian Institute and will soon be free to find jobs and become men. Trying to stay on the straight and narrow when everything around you and sometimes inside you is falling apart ; sticking to the path, the right one when on either side are girls, bowling, mopeds (of others), fights and fields of poppies. Making oneself a place in the sun in this vast world with a sander and a chisel, preferably the best, the least bad or the one that’s left.

fiche technique

Author : Marie Dumora

Photography : Marie Dumora

Sound : Henri Maikoff

Editing : Catherine Gouze

Producer : Les Films d'Ici - Serge Lalou

Broadcaster : France 3 Alsace

Partners : CUS

Length : 52' / 90'

Format : Vidéo

Available version : VF

ISAN : 000000019E940000800000000D


Non-commercial sales : ADAV

From the same Director


In the same Collection


The same year
