Directed by : Hervé Le Roux

Prix Sadoul - 1996 Grand Prix du Jury de Belfort - 1996

50 years after May 68 – 2nd release May 30th 2018: Restored Version

The 10th of June 1968, a group of cinema students film Saint-Ouen's Wonder factory employees return-to-work after a period of strikes.  A young factory worker yells that she will not go back. Even today, the search of this woman continues to be an almost obsessive quest...

fiche technique

Author : Hervé Le Roux

Photography : Dominique Perrier

Sound : Frédéric Ullmann

Editing : Nadine Tarbouriech

Producer : Les Films d'Ici

Partners : Ministère du Travail et des Affaires Sociales

Length : 180'

CNC : 87724

ISAN : 000000019E570000P000000000


International sales : Les Films d'Ici

Video publisher : Editions Montparnasse

Non-commercial sales : ADAV

Distributeur : Les Films du Paradoxe

Distributor : JHR Films

From the same Director


In the same Collection


The same year
