Au delà des ténèbres

Directed by : Thierry Michel

Meilleur film art et essai européen attribué dans la cadre de la 56ème Berlinale 2006 par La Confédération Internationale des Cinémas d'art & essai

I wish to reveal the depth of Africa’s culture and traditions, its timelessness and universality. I wish to show that, beyond the shadows and the tragic history of this continent, there is also life and happiness, that of the rituals, the songs and dances. We will sail up the Congo river, the largest river basin in the world, from its mouth all the way to its source. This journey, on this majestic river, which has inexorably followed its path for centuries and centuries, will also be a personal path.

fiche technique

Author : Thierry Michel

Producer : Les Films de la Passerelle/Christine Pireaux - Les Films d'Ici/Serge Lalou

Broadcaster : Canal +

Length : 90'

ISAN : 0000000285910000S00000000R


International sales : Les Films de la Passerelle

Video publisher : Ciné-Libre

Non-commercial sales : ADAV

Distributeur : Les Films du Paradoxe

From the same Director


In the same Collection


The same year
