Directed by : Carmen Castillo

Festival de Cannes 2007

Cannes 2007 - Sélection Officielle
FID - Marseille - Sélection Officielle
Festival International du Film de La Rochelle - Sélection Officielle
Festival du Film de New York - Sélection Officielle
Festival du Film de San Sebastian - Sélection Officielle
Festival du Film de Londres - Sélection Officielle

On October 5th, 1974, at a house on Santa Fe Street , Carmen Castillo is wounded by the secret police.  Her companion and comrade, Miguel Enríquez, leader of the resistance against Pinochet’s dictatorship, dies in combat.
 “Calle Santa Fe” is the story of this woman, as she embarks on a raw, uncompromising journey into the present, without nostalgia or self-indulgence—a journey into the memory of those who were defeated.  Were those heroic acts of resistance really worth it?  Did Miguel die in vain?
One reunion after another—with her family, the house on Santa Fe street, her former neighbors, her comrades, this woman retraces the path from resistance to exile; from the luminous days of Allende to the long, somber years under Pinochet and the men and women who rose up against his tyranny.
As the emotions of those chaotic years are revealed, the story of a generation of revolutionaries and a country torn apart slowly emerges.  The search for meaning in those lives shall lead us to the very underground of this amnesiac country, where the dead nevertheless refuse to die.

fiche technique

Author : Carmen Castillo

Photography : Ned Burgess - Raphael O Byrne

Sound : Jean-Jacques Quinet - Damien Defays

Editing : Eva Feigeles

Producer : Les Films d'Ici / Serge Lalou -Parox / Sergio Gandara - Les Films de la Passerelle / Christine Pireaux / INA - Love Stream

Partners : CNC

Available version : VF/VE

Length : 88'+75'

Format : 35 mm - video

ISAN : 00000002ECE20000D00000000Z


International sales : Wild Bunch

Video publisher : INA

Non-commercial sales : Ad Vitam

Distributeur : Ad Vitam

From the same Director


In the same Collection


The same year
