Directed by : Sébastien Le Corre

This movie is the story of a return to the shooting of Montredon-Les-Corbières, which stopped the winemakers uprising, the “comités d’actions viticoles”. In the 60s and 70s, the winemakers of the South load their guns and make big headlines. Their claims, outside of the unions policies : to stop the wine importations and to regulate the European agricultural market.
Roadblocks, fights with the police: the tension rises until the day tragedy strikes, March 4, 1976. In 2016, with this event as a key thread, I go meet our old heroes in order to confront the dreams of yesterday with the reality of today.

fiche technique

Author : Sébastien Le Corre

Co-producers : Les Films d'Ici Méditerranée - Les Films d'Ici - France Télévisions

Manager of production : Elodie Dombre

Producer : Serge Lalou

Partners : CNC, La Région Languedoc-Roussillon

Langue : Français

Available version : Français

Length : 52'

Format : HD

From the same Director


In the same Collection


The same year
