Directed by : Omar Shami

“Ain-Bal, our childhood village, counts 70 inhabitants today, but had 4000 a few decades ago. Since then, this village spends most of his time hoping, screaming the names of those who left, and waiting for their return. 4 of those 70 villagers talk about passing time, each of them suffering from some kind of absence.

This poetic documentary illustrate the slow passage of time  in Ain-Bal, a Lebanese village submerging the memories of the past with a slumbering present.

fiche technique

Author : Ola & Omar Shami

Producer : Serge Lalou

Co-producers : Les Films d'Ici Méditerranée - Les Films d'Ici 2 - Betterfly Pictures - France Télévisions

Manager of production : Elodie Dombre

Partners : CNC, Région Occitanie Pyrénées Méditerranée en partenariat avec le Centre National de la Cinématographie, TV Sud Montpellier, TFI Documentary Fund’s TFI Award, Sundance Institute Documentary Film Program

Length : 58'-72'

Format : HD

Langue : Arabe

Available version : Arabe sous-titré français

From the same Director


In the same Collection


The same year
