Directed by : Alejandra Rojo

Juana is haunted by an overbearing guilt from her childhood which she tries to erase all traces of. One day, she discovers she is at the centre of a drug traficking syndicate between Latin America and Europe. This operation in turn finances a French terrorist group which is lead by none other than her mother, a woman she thought had died during the 70’s.

In this contemporary tragedy which combines whole and fractured characters with a feverish pace of action, linger the symptoms and wounds of the unsettled.

fiche technique

Author : Alejandra Rojo et Isabelle Poudevigne

Producer : Les Films d'Ici /Serge Lalou

Length : 90'

Format : 35 mm

ISAN : 1000000000000

From the same Director


In the same Collection


The same year
