Directed by : Mohamed el Khatib

Etoile de la SCAM 2021

Renault 12 is a cinematic experience from a documentary material: my mother’s death. This account is the whole of confidences, an intimate epic, the support toward death and what follows, that is to say the ceremonies and rituals, the repatriation of the body and the administrative contingency. I unveil, with sound and video recordings, some cultural shifts between my family from Tangier, myself and the hospital.

Renault 12 is a fragmentary narrative of learning that traces a course of rhythm to its different rituals on both sides of the Mediterranean. Two perspectives of transit then mix, that of a coffin of France towards Morocco, that of a heritage which must pass from Morocco to France.

Renault is a french vehicle model very famous in Morocco in the 70s for its velocity in mountains and hostile topography.

fiche technique

Author : Mohamed El Khatib

Photography : Frédéric Hocké

Sound : Fabrice Osinski, Antoine Bailly & Nicolas Jorio

Editing : Amrita David

Mixage : David Vranken

Producer : Les Films d’Ici Méditerranée & Les Films d'Ici - Serge Lalou & Camille Laemlé

Executive producer : Camille Laemlé & Julie Frères

Co-producers : Dérives,Waq Waq Studio,Collectif Zirlib,Arte France,RTBF,TV 2M Maroc

Broadcaster : Arte

Manager of production : Elodie Dombre & Vincent Terlinchamp

Partners : CNC,Fonds d’Aide à l’Innovation Audiovisuelle,Fonds Images de la Diversité,la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles,La Région Occitanie,CICLIC,SCAM (Brouillon d’un rêve),Dispositif La Culture avec la Copie Privée

Length : 78'

Format : HD

Available version : Français & Anglais

From the same Director


In the same Collection


The same year
