Directed by : Debra Kellner

Inside My Heart follows the story of three families who were forced to flee their war torn countries. At a peak moment of the refugee crisis in Europe, Filmmaker Debra Kellner follows the families over a period of two years. Despite having lost everything and their harrowing stories about the atrocities of war, each family continues their fight to stay alive. Unable to return to their countries without the risk of being killed, today they are forced to live with the consequences of their broken dreams.

fiche technique

Author : Debra Kellner

Photography : Nina Bernfeld & Igor Kropotov

Co-producers : The Radcliffe Foundation

Sound : Debra Kellner

Manager of production : Anne Cohen-Solal

Editing : Nicolas Milteau

Original soundtrack : Michael Shuman

Producer : Les Films d’Ici

Langue : Arabe, farsi, Anglais & français

Available version : Français & Anglais

Length : 80'/52'

ISAN : 0000-0004-7ACB-0000-A-0000-0000-7

From the same Director


In the same Collection


The same year
