Directed by : Denis Van Waerebeke

Figra 2024 - Mention spéciale Terre(s) d'Histoire

March 5, 1953, Stalin dies. The cult of personality is in full swing: he is revered at home and respected worldwide for defeating Hitler and making the USSR a superpower. But, by 1961, Nikita Khrushchev had removed Stalin’s body from alongside Lenin and was revealing his abuses. Brezhnev stopped him, fearful that this would undermine the party, but Russian reluctance to accept the past through disinformation and manipulating the truth has never gone away. How has Stalin’s legacy been handled by his successors and why did his remains become a propaganda weapon? Combining rarely seen Soviet archives, graphic design, audio recordings, our film offers a new reading of the post-Stalin era, exploring his impact on Russian politics and society decades after his death.

fiche technique

With : Bruno Abraham-Kremer (commentaire)

Author : Denis van Waerebeke & Olivia Gomolinski

Photography : Laurent Fénart

Co-producers : Arte FRANCE - Anne Grolleron

Sound : Guillaume Valeix, Matthieu Daude & Amélie Canini

Manager of production : Valérianne Boué

Editing : Audrey Maurion

Original soundtrack : Ruelgo

Mixage : Amélie Canini

Producer : Les Films d'Ici - Valérianne Boué

Partners : Procirep Angoa & CNC

Langue : Anglais, Français & Russe

Available version : Français & Anglais

Broadcaster : Arte France

Length : 52'

Format : Vidéo 16/9

ISAN : 000-0006-0000-F-0000-0000-T


International sales : NEWEN - Chloé Persyn Preljocaj

From the same Director


In the same Collection


The same year
