Directed by : Gianfranco Rosi

Prix Fispresci de la Critique Internationale au Festival de Venise 2010 Meilleur documentaire au festival international Doclisboa 2010

A Juárez hit man speaks : he has killed hundreds of people, is an expert in torture and kidnapping, and for many years was a commander of the state police in Chihuahua. He even received some training from the FBI. He has lived in Juárez and has moved freely throughout Mexico and the US. At the moment, there is a contract on his life of $250,000 and he lives as a fugitive, though he is still free and has never been charged with a crime in any country. The film takes place in a motel room on the US / Mexico border. The sicario is highly intelligent, very articulate and all too believable. The film stems from Charles Bowden’s essay «The Sicario» published in 2009 in Harper’s Magazine.

fiche technique

Author : Gianfranco Rosi et Charles Bowden

Photography : Gianfranco Rosi

Sound : Dominique Vieillard

Editing : Jacopo Quadri

Mixage : Dominique Vieillard

Original soundtrack : Abraham Spector

Producer : Robofilms - Gianfranco Rosi / Les Films d'Ici - Serge Lalou Producteur exécutif

Executive producer : Olivier Daunizeau

Broadcaster : Arte - La Lucarne / RAI

Manager of production : Magali Boccaccio

Partners : Arte France / CNC / PROCIREP / ANGOA / Société des Producteurs

Length : 80'

Langue : Espagnol

Available version : Français & Anglais

ISAN : 0000-0002-F52B-0000-J-0000-0000-H


International sales : Party Film Sales

Video publisher : Editions Montparnasse

Non-commercial sales : Doc and Film

From the same Director


In the same Collection


The same year
