Directed by : Françoise Huguier

Mention spéciale du Jury pour le montage au RIDM 2008 Prix du Jury Anna Politkovskaïa au Festival de Créteil - 2009

“Kommunalka” observes life in a communal flat in Saint Petersburg.  This mode of life that is so closely linked to Russia’s Soviet past nonetheless remains a common phenomenon.  Nowadays, some 90,000 flats are shared due to the ongoing economic crisis.  This is more than just communal life – it is life at close quarters.

By focusing on the different inhabitants, the film takes a look at everyday life in this type of flat and at the particular human relationships that develop in such living conditions.  A communal flat is a space people share only because they have no other choice.  A place in which people generally know nothing about each other; a sealed-off space that serves as a backdrop against which the contradictions of the human condition and those within Russian culture and society in these times of great change are exposed and explode.

fiche technique

Author : Françoise Huguier/Mano Siri

Photography : Katell Djian

Sound : André Rigaut

Editing : Mathilde Muyard

Producer : Les films d'Ici - Serge Lalou / Marie Guirauden

Partners : CNC / Archipel Productions

Broadcaster : The Documentary Channel / Ciné Cinéma

Length : 97'

Format : HDCAM

ISAN : 0000000217270000Y000000009


International sales : The Party Film Sales

Video publisher : Editions Montparnasse

Non-commercial sales : Les Films du Paradoxe

Distributeur : Les Films du Paradoxe

From the same Director


In the same Collection


The same year
